Monday, December 28, 2009

Reflections on English 125

After I finished my diploma and graduated from the ADMC in 2004, I came back and joined ADMC again to complete my bachelor degree. When I came back I faced a problem that my English became weak and need to be improved. So I stated with English 125 which helps me to improve my writing skills.

In this course we studied four types of writing; describing a Process, Describing a Procedure, Compare and Contrast and Narration. My favorite writing topic was in compare and contrast, and to improve my writing skills I did a lot of practices in writing and reading.

I didn't find any difficulty with the other topics because my teacher helps me to improve my writing by given us a lot of writing practices.

At the end, studying Eng125 helps me a lot to remember what I have studied before and improved my writing skills, but I have to practice more and more to get higher grates.

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