Monday, December 28, 2009

Reflections on English 125

After I finished my diploma and graduated from the ADMC in 2004, I came back and joined ADMC again to complete my bachelor degree. When I came back I faced a problem that my English became weak and need to be improved. So I stated with English 125 which helps me to improve my writing skills.

In this course we studied four types of writing; describing a Process, Describing a Procedure, Compare and Contrast and Narration. My favorite writing topic was in compare and contrast, and to improve my writing skills I did a lot of practices in writing and reading.

I didn't find any difficulty with the other topics because my teacher helps me to improve my writing by given us a lot of writing practices.

At the end, studying Eng125 helps me a lot to remember what I have studied before and improved my writing skills, but I have to practice more and more to get higher grates.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Accident in the Desert

Last weekend, I was with my friends Ali and Mohammed and we were driving around the city. Ali Said; it is boring let us do something. I said what about going to the desert for a Barbecue trip. They said it’s a good idea. So we went to supermarket to buy what is needed for this journey. After preparing everything we went to place called Awafi, it is a place in the desert in Ras Al Khaimah. We arrived to Awafi in the evening time; it was not easy to find a good place to set because it was very crowdie.

Finally we found a nice place near a big dune. We started to set the fire, suddenly a four wheel car went down from the dune and the driver did not see us. Ali screamed; guys be careful, so we jumped from where we set and it was just a seconds before the car hits the fire and all of our equipments. The car driver stopped and he was very scared because he thought he hit one of us. Mohammed was angry and he was going to fight with the guy. I told him comedown it was our mistake we should not set in place like this and thanks god that we are fine and nobody got injured. The car driver apologized to us and he insisted to us to go with him to his camp to have dinner with him and his friends. Because of this accident we met a new friends and we found a place for our next journey.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Abu Dhabi and Al Ali

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates and it’s the largest and biggest Emirate between the seven emirates. The most important cities in Abu Dhabi are Abu Dhabi city and Al Ain city. Although there are some similarities between them, there are also many differences.

There are some similarities between Abu Dhabi and Al-Ain. Both cities are located in the UAE and the weather in both of them is hot in the summer, cold in winter and some rain. Moreover, both cities having Industries but not many, also they have well planned streets which take you where you want easily.

Although there are a number of similarities there are several differences between Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. The first difference is that Abu Dhabi is near the sea and it's an island with flat land and beaches, however Al Ain is an oasis in the middle of the desert with sand dunes and mountains. Another important difference Abu Dhabi is a very busy city and having a very large companies, small companies and offices while Al Ain is very quite city and not having the same number of companies like Abu Dhabi.

We can see that Abu Dhabi and Al Ain are similar in some things but very
different in others. Many people prefer Al Ain more than Abu Dhabi because it's very quite city and they like to live there.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Studying in the UAE or Overseas

Many students when they finish their secondary school they get confused in how they will complete their high education. While many students like to go overseas to study, others prefer to stay at home. In the following essay, I will outline some differences as well as some similarities between the two.

First, neither choice is easy. Both UAE colleges and foreign universities require a lot of work. Also studying in the college or university is completely different than studying in the school, you need to depend on yourself in every things. Second, in college you will meet people from deferent cultures and cities.

Nevertheless, there are some conspicuous differences. A major difference is Studying in the UAE is easier because you are near your family. In addition, most of the colleges and universities abroad are mixed-gender with males and females while here in the UAE they are separate, females are studying in a separate college or university which is more comfortable for them. Moreover, Studying abroad will help the student to learn English faster than the student who studies in the UAE. Finally, many young people enjoy the freedom of being in college. In contrast, some students do not benefit from the lack of control.

In summary, studying in the UAE or overseas has got many similarities and differences but at the end it depends on students needs, he or his family know what the better is for him.

Orange Juice

Most people agree fresh orange juice is the best, but sometimes it is easier to enjoy juice from a carton. This is almost the same as fresh juice but has been made from concentrate.

Concentrate is evaporated juice. You can’t drink it because it is very acidic, so water is added to it. In this essay we are going to describe the processes of making orange juice concentrate and the final drink product.

First, upload the fruit from the farm and grade the fruits by removing the bad once. Second, wash the fruits and put them into the juice extractor. Third, evaporate the juice for a short time to concentrate it and then store the juice in refrigerated storage. Fourth, fill the concentrate juice in cans throw the canning machine. Fifth, export the product to the company's stores and branches. Finally add water to the concentrate juice to be ready for sell.

Having an orange juice is quite easy but knowing the steps how this product was created or manufactured is very important.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Want a Coffee?

Coffee is a very popular drink around the world. People drink it at all times of the day. There are several kinds of coffee, but I am now going to describe how instant coffee is produced.

First, Pick up the cherry from the tree very carefully. Second, take out all the soft juicy fruit of the cherry and leave the coffee beans pealed. Third, put the coffee beans in long tanks for the coffee to release all the honey left from the pulp. Fourth, wash the coffee beans with water pressure which leaves the beans with no honey leftover and separate the coffee beans by quality. Fifth, dry the beans and leave it under the sun outdoor. Finally, roast the beans then it will be ready for use and drink.

All these steps to follow are the steps coffee beans go through before consumers can actually drink it. It is important to have knowledge of things that are involved in our lives like coffee.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Holy month of Ramadan

One of the five Pillars of Islam is fasting the month Ramadan and it is the ninth month in the Arabic Islamic Calendar. Ramadan is a word was taken from a Ramda'a which mean or taken from Heat because Ramadan month usually comes in the summer time and this month was none from the Arabs before Islam.

Each and every year I wait for this month longingly, it’s different than any other month I feel reassured and peace in it. I usually like to take my annual leave in Ramadan, so I decided to go to Makah with my friends to do Omrah. We went there in the last ten days of Ramadan, We spent most of our day in the Mosque which we call it Al Haram reading Quran and praying. I start my day in Makah in the early morning, first I pray Al Fajer prayer and it's time start before the sunrise in one hour. After that I went back to my room in the hotel to rest until noon time, then I will go to the Haram to stay there until the breakfast time which after the sunset. This is mostly what we do when we go to Makah

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Procedure Essay: The Hajj

The Hajj

Mekkah is a holy place for Muslims, in this small city prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) was born and in age of 40 he became the Messenger of God to call people to Islam. Islam is a major world religion and it's based on five pillars and they are:

1- Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad;

2- Establishment of the daily prayers;

3- Concern for and almsgiving to the needy;

4- Self-purification through fasting; and

5- The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able.

One of a Muslim's duties, as described in the Five Pillars of Islam, is to go on Hajj at least once during his or her lifetime. Each and every year around two million people pilgrimage to Makkah to do hajj. The hajj starts in the months of hajj which are the 10th, 11th and the 12th of the Arabic Date Calendar. The Pilgrims most be in Makkah before the 8th of Thul Hejjah the 12th month of the Arabic year.

First, when The Pilgrims reach Makkah they have to do something called Omrah and it is to circumambulation seven times around the Ka'aba and seven times between the Safa and Marwah and they are two small hills near the Ka'aba. After that they can stay in Makkah until the 8th day of the Hajj month, then they have to move to place called Menna. In Menna they will spend their night and in the next day they will move to Namirah "a place between Menna and Arafat" until noon time.

Next, the Pilgrims will move to Arafat to do the most important part of Hajj which called "Standing in Arafat" and they have to stay there until the sunset after that they have to move to place called Muzdalifa to rest and to spend their night there.
In the 10th day of Thul Hejjah they return to Menna and throw seven pebbles at a pillar. The pilgrims then sacrifice a sheep and the meat is distributed to friends, relative and the poor.

Finally, they will return to Mekka to do the final tawaf and sa'i which is hurries seven times between two small hills near the Ka'aba, called Safa and Marwah. They symbolize the completion of the Hajj by cutting their hair. Then they have to stay three days in Menna and two days for how is in hurry and in each day in the afternoon time they have to throw seven pebbles at a three pillar called, Big pillar, medium pillar and the small pillar. And before the leave Mekka they have to do the Farewell tawaf around the Ka'aba seven times then they can leave Mekkah.

Procedure Essay: How to Fail the Portfolio.

A portfolio is a collection of evidence which was handed from the teacher, to get a great mark in the end of the course you have to follow some steps, however if you did bad in your portfolio you will fail. To avoid that do not do the below steps.

First, the title of the binder is not clearly indicated on the spine. For example, the font, font size and colour of the text are not coordinated well. Also the student's name is on the binder but not other information. Second, the inside the binder not includes a detailed contents page; you should arrange the contents page in a logical way.

Moreover, each section of the binder is not clearly identified so it will not help the reader to find relevant course material with complete ease. Finally, the contents show no evidence of care or order and material has been included without contemplation or screening.
To conclude, the procedure of how not to fail is easy but you have to work hard and to follow the steps clearly which was given from your teacher.